Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Long time never blog!

been reading other people's blogs and realised that i had not blogged for the LONGEST time, since march! 5 months ago, k?

anyway, lotsa things had happened during this 5 months. some were really tough on my entire being; others, just a pure bliss.

okie, let's talk about the challanging stuff...

truth is, loads happened at home. i can't share more but the gist of it is that i may have to see someone doing time and a couple say sayonara to each other. am feeling very worn out ... love tank is at all time low, but i must thank God that thru this 6 weeks, ryan had been my shoulder to cry on and God had inevitably became my source of strength and hope. i trust in Him that all things will work out well as long as i am still in His will even though these times continue to try me, but they will never last!

work had been challanging too... doing something unfamiliar, handling people that i deemed as "unreasonable", on-call for almost 16hrs a day... i do not like such a work life but at this moment, i have to bear with it, but i am thankful that even in these madness of work, there are people who believes in me... in a way...

rebekah is growing up to becoming a cheeky fella...she is now trying to stand and walk without support. she loves to put things in her mouth. she likes to blow rasberries and she knows how to whistle! but's she's still giving me sleepless nights ... but i love her to bits and i enjoy watching her grow... i am already thinking of #2... hee... maybe start trying next year... aiming for november baby!

i had also started scrapbooking as a hobby... i actually enjoyed it though i am not very creative... its an expensive hobby, but i hope to trim down my purchases slowly as i gather what i need about what i am good at :)

well, till next time when i remember to blog :)

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